Did you ever wish you could:

  • Achieve better outcomes when communicating with others?
  • Understand your own behavioural style and preferences at the core?
  • Improve your relationships with any stakeholders?

DISC is a highly beneficial tool to assist us in recognising differences between people. It helps us understand ourselves and others better. By accepting, respecting, and adapting to these differences we can build long-term relationships and positive influence.

Your customised 26-page report comes robustly filled with information about all things DISC, and is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Providing you with an overview of the DISC principles and identifying characteristics and tendencies of each behavioural style.
  2. Helping you understand your own style and revealing information about the tendencies that make you unique.
  3. Identifying ways that you can apply your style strengths or adapt your style in order to meet the needs of others.

“Martin’s human-centred leadership strategies are simple yet inspiring and profound. His strategies are easily relatable and create a huge positive impact on businesses, teams and individuals. ”

Kerry Brocks | CEO & Founder of the Asia Pacific Institute of Learning & Performance

How you will get the report

You can get the same instant transformations as other Global Leaders. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

  • STEP 1: Add the product to the cart & proceed to the checkout to pay.

  • STEP 2: Once you placed the order, you will be taken to the 'course player', where you can find the link to the self-evaluation to answer a set of questions.

  • STEP 3: As soon as you completed the self-evaluation, we get to work to produce the customised report for you, which you will receive via email within a maximum of 48 hours (usually less than that).

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